
Community groups are a vital aspect of our church life because, in a church our size, it is sometimes hard to get to know others. In smaller groups, we learn and encourage each other, get to know each other better and care for one another. Usually these groups involve Bible study and prayer, and sometimes food. We encourage all community groups to gather centrally, on the first Wednesday of the month, to meet up and pray together. If you'd like more information please contact the church office for more information.
Various weekday evenings, weekly or fortnightly
These meet in homes around the city and have a mixture of ages and stages.
GROWTH GROUPS FOR STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS is on Sunday evenings and one a month on Thursdays. (See flyer for dates. You can sign-up to the WhatsApp Community group using the QR Code on display throughout the church building or message Jonathan for a link on +353 863969131)
On Sundays, after the evening service, we begin with food around 8pm followed by either a talk or study and some discussion, finishing around 9:30pm. In our Sunday evening services we're looking at Proverbs 1-9 and in Growth Groups we'll be looking at specific topics from the rest of the Book of Proverbs.
As a church we are committed to helping you to grow in faith, love and perseverance so that you are strengthened and encouraged as a follower of Jesus. Growth Groups is a great opportunity to help one another in this process. There are opportunities to serve the group by helping set up or serving food and supporting those who are finding their way through college and in the workplace.
For many people the years at college are hugely significant in their faith journey. Those of you who've graduated know the value and potential of this time. And for those of you in the next stage of life, we are committed to helping you to become established in the workplace as people who carry the light of Christ in you, drawing others to him.
To get the most out of church we encourage you to attend as regularly as possible, to be part of the larger church family, serving in various areas and committed to this group to strengthen and encourage each other. Belonging to a church family gives you the opportunity to learn and grow with support from people of all ages.
Growth Groups is a great supplement to attending on Sunday mornings and evenings.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday morning, 8am @ Grosvenor – once a month
Men of all ages and stages meet for a light breakfast and to discuss a Christian book. A great way to learn from other men and to enjoy friendship and encouragement.
Thursday 3pm @ Grosvenor, once a term
Anyone of retirement age is welcome to join us for tea, coffee and homebaking. This is a chance to meet up and to encourage each other. There is usually a short talk from the bible or a presentation on an interesting topic. We also have a Christmas Lunch in December and Summer Outing in June.
Women’s Ministry
Weekly women's Bible Study, Fridays from 10am-12 at Grosvenor, everyone is welcome to join with us regularly or when you're available.
Working Women's Bible study - monthly on the third Monday of each month at Grosvenor, 7:30-9pm - all welcome. Contact Leanne for more info.
Events as announced/in church news, or please sign up to Grosvenor women’s mailing list

Christianity Explored & Life Explored
A 7 week series to help people discover the greatest gift in the universe.
Explore Christianity for yourself.
Who’s it for?
The course is ideal for those investigating Christianity and what they believe. It is designed for those with some faith or none who want to explore what life is all about.
What can I expect?
Featuring a combination of short films - shot around the world - and Bible interaction. We will look at why we struggle to find happiness, fulfilment and peace, and where these things can be truly found.
Meeting in Main Lounge. This is a relaxed evening with tea, coffee and cake, you can ask as many questions as you like, or just come and listen.
Tuesday evenings
8.00-9.30 pm starting January 21st (probable dates: 21, 28 Jan, 4, 18, 25 Feb, 4, 18 Mar)
Registration (or for more information):
Please do one of the following:
· Contact Valerie Glazier in the church office on 497 4798
· Email
· Fill out the form Here