
Everyone is welcome at our Sunday Services at 10.30am and 6.30pm, whether you love and follow Jesus or are just exploring what you believe.
We meet to encourage each other, to glorify God and to hear God speak, through his Word, the Bible. We sing. We pray. The bible is read and preached. We have a collection for regulars, though some give through the bank. Sometimes we have an interview, a book review, a video or a children’s slot.
Sunday morning church is attended by Irish and Internationals of all ages. There is a crèche that runs throughout for 0-3s. There is usually a Sunday Club for pre-school year and primary age children. These children leave about 20 minutes into the service. The service is usually an hour long, or an hour and 15 minutes on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month, when we have communion. The service is followed by tea and coffee, and sometimes lunch.
Sunday evening church is attended by Irish and Internationals of all ages and is popular with students and 20s and 30s. We have communion once a month. The service is followed by tea, coffee and treats and sometimes dinner. During this term we're going to be looking at Proverbs 1-9 and thinking about "TRUE FOLLY: life without God".
Internationals/Hard of hearing/Deaf
If you find it difficult to understand English or to follow along during services, click here for more help with English transcription or connecting with others who speak your language.